Muhammadiyah University of Mataram, abbreviated as UM-Mataram, is one of Muhammadiyah’s charitable endeavors in the field of education in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara, to be exact Jalan K.H.Ahmad Dahlan, No. 1, Kota Mataram. Management of UM-Mataram is carried out by the West Nusa Tenggara Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership and the Education, Teaching and Culture Council. Furthermore, the training was carried out by Muhammadiyah University in accordance with notarial deed number 355 dated October 21, 1981 then adjusted to notarial deed number 16 dated August 8, 1986.

Since its establishment on June 25, 1980, UM-Mataram only has 4 (four) Faculties, namely the Teaching and Education Faculty, the Social and Political Sciences, the Engineering Faculty and the Agriculture Faculty. Along with the development, the number of Faculties at the Muhammadiyah University of Mataram increased to 7 (seven) Faculties, including the Teaching and Education Faculty, the Social and Political Sciences, the Engineering Faculty, and the Agriculture Faculty, the Health Faculty, the Law Faculty, and the Islamic Religion Faculty . Since the 2000s until now, the Muhammadiyah University of Mataram is better known by the abbreviation UMMAT.

At present there are more than 7,000 students choosing to study at UMMAT. They are scattered in various study programs both in academic and vocational education. Research and community service activities are routinely carried out every year. These activities are supported by lecturers and employees who are committed to dedicating themselves as developers of the science and technology needed by the community to realize the true Islamic society.

UMMAT has 12 student activities units. Student activities continue to make achievements at the regional, national and international levels. In order to support student achievement, UMMAT provides various other facilities in the form of Student Activity Centers, Psychological Services, Health Clinic Services, Computer Centers, Language Laboratories, UMMAT Radio Kitchens, Vehicles and Transportation Facilities, Basketball Courts, Soccer Courts, ATM Outlets of UMMAT Partner Banks , Mosque, canteen, and others.